Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breaking a Monotonous life

Slowly, Steadily picking up
The pace increasing rhythmically
Beat by beat on a silver track
Metallic steel in contact
The long chambered mode of life,
Lazily swinging from side to side
The heavy train like a growing chain
pulling out from its cozy frame

Sitting peacefully inside,
A man diminishing in pride ...
but Hope still alive inside
His thoughts speak of a burdened life,
A square foot room......
But a spacious heart
A horrid living dream....
But no sign of a scar
Then the sturdy train though slow in pace
Gathers burdens at an alarming rate

A singular pole ,
at the corner doorgoes unnoticed , detoured
No human hanging out his head
No human risking his life on a bet
The man gets up
And slowly looks around
He wonders in disbelief .....
“How can it be??
How is it so??
Isn't there
No ruthless plunderer left,
to grab the pole? "
Then with immense courage
and a pounding heart
and a shivering knowledge of the human race ...
He grabs the post with all his might
A surge of victory in embrace
For once in his life his hopes are glorified
The sense of freedom clear in his eyes
Amidst the chaos
Amidst the noise
His clear heart,
for once dares to smile ........



Rhibs said...

The poem reflects the emotions of the poetess.Its nice to find that she can understand and portray others lives.The picture is cool too.

fatema rangwalla said...

thanx alot rhibs :)

Unknown said...

that was some deep thinking. small things easily go by unnoticed but make all the difference there is.
a truly refreshing poem, something thats easy to relate too.

fatema rangwalla said...

thnak you manvinder , thats nice to hear

aniket said...

how do u manage to make poem out of ordinary things.simply vivid!

fatema rangwalla said...

well , i dont know if i feel strongly about something , i write on it