Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A moonlit walk

A moonlit walk on a dusty road
Will give you peace and a getaway mode,
The silvery light at the moment bright ,
Will lift ur spirits to a newer height,
The peaceful walk with all your thoughts clustered up
Will let the words follow up
The deafening sounds of misery
Will soften up as history

The moonlit walk along the shore
Will bring in thoughts galore,
The gurgling sound of the water around
reminds you of your giggling mind as a little child

The moonlit walk around the block
seems so short , yet so far apart
The mesmerising street lamps there
Seem dimmer than the moonlight spread everywhere ,

The moonlit walk comes to a rigid end
When the realities of life step in and blend
The fear of walkin home again
Comes rushing back
And it'll never end
But then agian, the joy we have in both these worlds .....
Is neither worth comment nor amend

A splash of paint

A splash of paint
And a canvas is made !
Just the way u see it today ,
You a mix a few colours,
And jumble the others ,
The rest is just a game
You switch with the shades and make it a rage,
Its appreciated either ways
The pastel shades ! The pastel shades !
You add them and you'r amazed
Emarald green and persian blue
Aren't in contrast ...
But whoever knew?
Mango yellow , orange and scarlett red
Will make a beautiful sunset thread
Never the less a canvas is made! a canvas is made !

But you see every colour ,
Tumble over another
So you ponder over it for a another minute ,
And all u see is a gimmick
A man chasing a mimic
Or a land far far away

So a splash of paint
And a canvas is made !
All in all its just a craze
OR... this amazing maze .