Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seen and neglected

The moment you step into an indian bazaar the multitude of noises greets you and the attractively coloured stalls almost pull you towards them . Seeing almost everyone running around trying to get the best ware at the lowest possible prices gets u all pepped up too .

What no one cares to notice is the sight of beggars lying on the roadside , naked ,half humans some skeletons and some others covered wth sores which tempt flies even frm a distance .

No one seems to feel for this accursed lot of humans . Only the well-to-do here and there sacrifice a few coins to placate their own conscience .

These beggars often roam through the crowd searching for discarded eatables . The more daring among them help themselves at open stalls for which they are severely beaten, but thats the indian attitude like "We 'll see about that later" and daringly they help themselves and i say i am mighty proud of this attitude too .

Well this picture does justice to the fact that we more often or not just ignore things which are conscience really tries to pester us wth . I guess its a gene problem , YES it is a gene problem i mean if not that then WHY would we ignore such a grave thing? Havent we improved a little bit ? OK fine so we dont CALL them untouchables but do we even come up to them, put a hand around them and try to talk to them ?

Well the foreingners that i have noticed aren t really like us .Its almost like they 'll befriend anyone ,name them and they have ! Yes ive seen them loving the sight of even monkeys jumping around them too !

soo are we really in that state of mind or we just pretending to care by throwing in some money?


... said...

intresting observation, btw some beggars are professionals :P

fatema rangwalla said...

ya i wasnt really in favour of these beggars myself .....but this picture jst made me think this stuff :D. kudos to you ...its basically not on beggars.... but about this poor guy lying out there neglected

Unknown said...

Well this picture does justice to the fact that we more often or not just ignore things which [are] conscience really tries to pester us wth.

I think, you meant 'our' instead of 'are'.

Unknown said...

And, one more thing. Whatever be the reason for your humane feelings for the beggars; the fact is, that most of them can do away with begging and start working.

fatema rangwalla said...

ya i kinda meant homeless ppl ....but typed in beggars ...and its a real pain correcting that right now ....anyways thnx alot :)

vinay said...

nice photo an equally good blog

fatema rangwalla said...

thanx vinay